Monday, July 11, 2016

Get it Together: Diet and Exercise

Frankie today on her half birthday. She's big, beautiful, and 6 months old!

Today is sweet baby Frankie's half birthday. I figured that since it's been 6 months since I've been pregnant it was a good day to get into an exercise routine. I have been putting off getting my diet and exercise routine together for way too long. My weight is an issue. I'm sluggish, uncomfortable, my clothes don't fit, and I don't feel my best in any shape or form. I wish I could blame it on having two kids but my weight has been an issue way before the two kiddos. That's not to say that having two c sections didn't hurt the urge to get back on the exercise bandwagon because it did. It's hard to lose that much core strength. You don't realize how important your core is until you have your muscles bisected. That said, it's no excuse for not getting to work and gaining back some strength and losing some weight.

I want to have more energy, set a healthy example for the girls, and feel more connected to my body and at ease in my skin. Getting rid of some of the clothes that I have just because they fit (just barely) and not because I like them, would be great too.

I bought Piyo after Sadie was born thinking it would be a good low impact core workout. I can only assume it is since I've only watched the DVDs. That is going to change today. I also got the Skyfit app for my phone (there's a free 7 day trial). It has yoga and strength workouts which I think will be helpful when I'm working long days. If that wasn't enough The Fitnessista is starting her 4 week Summer Shape Up program this week. I have read her blog for years and am excited to try the program. I think it will be helpful to do it with other people even if it's just virtually. I can be pretty consistent when it comes to exercising when I get into a routine. It's the eating part that is my biggest problem. Luckily I have a very supportive husband who can be very disciplined when it comes to cleaning up our food at home. I will just have to start planning my meals for when I'm at work and tell my co-workers to keep all their tasty snacks away from me!

I'm excited to try out this recipe tomorrow.

I plan on taking measurements and pictures (I may or may not share them) to help motivate me. I'm hoping that putting my intentions out to the world might help too.

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